Penistone Footpath Runners & AC

Penistone Footpath Runners & AC

2018 Club Championship

OverallRoadCross CountryFellChallengeInformation

John Pitt

Click to see results for all of John's competitions.

Note: points are presented as integers. Hover over them to see exact values.

⋄ indicates qualified (by doing sufficient races)

OverallRoadCross CountryFellChallenge
73rd overall57th overall68th overall114th overall ⋄
5th MV655th MV657th MV655th MV65 ⋄
131 points63 points68 points0 points131 points

Dewsbury 10KRoad04/02/201867149:5463
Silkstone Shuffle 1Cross Country Series10/03/2018 7741:3268