Penistone Footpath Runners & AC

Penistone Footpath Runners & AC

2018 Club Championship

OverallRoadCross CountryFellChallengeInformation

Charles Halstead

Click to see results for all of Charles's competitions.

Note: points are presented as integers. Hover over them to see exact values.

⋄ indicates qualified (by doing sufficient races)

OverallRoadCross CountryFellChallenge
69th overall60th overall59th overall108th overall ⋄
11th MV509th MV5010th MV5011th MV50 ⋄
146 points0 points76 points71 points146 points

Silkstone Shuffle 1Cross Country Series10/03/2018 6840:1571
Trunce 2Fell Series16/04/201812537:1566
Trunce 3Fell Series30/04/201812835:5168
Trunce 4Fell Series21/05/201811136:1268
Trunce 5Fell Series11/06/201813537:2765
Silkstone Shuffle 2Cross Country Series16/06/2018 5237:3376
Trunce 7Fell Series23/07/201812638:3863
Trunce 8Fell Series13/08/201811435:2769
Trunce 9Fell Series03/09/2018 8734:4871
Silkstone Shuffle 3Cross Country Series22/09/2018 5738:0775
Silkstone Shuffle 4Cross Country Series01/12/2018 7640:0271