Penistone Footpath Runners & AC

Penistone Footpath Runners & AC

2018 Club Championship

OverallRoadCross CountryFellChallengeInformation

Andrea Henson

Click to see results for all of Andrea's competitions.

Note: points are presented as integers. Hover over them to see exact values.

⋄ indicates qualified (by doing sufficient races)

OverallRoadCross CountryFellChallenge
28th overall25th overall27th overall32nd overall68th overall ⋄
7th FV455th FV457th FV458th FV457th FV45 ⋄
310 points78 points162 points71 points310 points

Dewsbury 10KRoad04/02/201854647:1178
Hoppits Hill RaceCross Country25/02/2018 5532:3778
Trunce 4Fell Series21/05/201824646:0663
Oughtibridge ChaseCross Country20/06/2018 5732:3884
Trunce 7Fell Series23/07/201816341:2571
Trunce 9Fell Series03/09/201834758:4345